... a getaway for discovery, sharing and inspiration!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living has been around forever, it simply has a name now.  Another term is the "green movement".  But what I have noticed is that it has become stereotyped.  For those that want to do good and leave a smaller footprint on the land, we have a tendency to call them "greenies" or "granolas".  Therefore, if we feel we do not fit into those categories in our everyday life, we resist our temptations to get involved; fearful that we may become "one of them"; that we must dress and act differently; or that we must jump in and transform all of our bad habits at once and "go green".  Notice that I say "we" because I have definitely been on the outside looking in at this topic.  Because it is such a broad topic, one questions where to begin.

It's not a matter of getting caught up in the politics, it's a matter of finding what works for you and working toward a common goal of leaving things better for future generations.

Let's face it, we have the capability, the knowledge and the resources to be more self sufficient in this country. But it takes more than engineers to make it happen.  By finding what works for each of us in our daily lives, we can work toward the common goal of sustainability. Who is to be the judge as to how much or how little, making an effort is all that matters.

Join me as I explore sustainable living and find where you can make a difference.

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