... a getaway for discovery, sharing and inspiration!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My first blog ever!

I have often wondered what it would be like to have a blog, if anyone really would look at it. My passion has always been to help others...whether it's finding something in a store, ideas to market themselves for a new business, sharing a personal experience that helps them realize they're not alone, bringing food to someone in need, being a cheerleader...the list goes on. Being unemployed for over a year has allowed a lot of time for reflection. I have so many passions that it's been hard to pin point how I can make a difference in this world. So I plan to share some of what I have learned in life in hope of enriching the lives around me.

Being unemployed...

I have been unemployed for 15 months now...that's 452 days to be exact! Oh, I have searched for work and perhaps been too picky searching for that "perfect match". I took a part time job over the summer months, but even part time didn't provide but 2-8 hours a week and cost me more in fuel than what I made.

But what I have learned in these past 452 days, not to mention throughout my lifetime, speaks volumes and I am truly grateful for all I have! In the days ahead, I hope to share with you some of them and hope to enrich your lives by making you think about things we often take for granted; when life is good and the checks are rolling in; when we live our lives so fast that we forget to stop appreciate what's right in front of us; when we fail to simply slow down.

I plan to talk about random things that revolve around my own life and interests ...informational, sad, happy, etc. My goal is to open your minds and hearts that you might reflect on your own life.

I only ask that you do not judge me or try and read things in to what is not there. Please respect the thoughts, views and feelings of all bloggers without casting judgment.