... a getaway for discovery, sharing and inspiration!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Creating Your Own Energy

The whole energy issue throughout our nation has created great controversy.  It can overwhelm the average person seeking to make a difference. Where does one begin? If you do the research, I'd swear you need an engineering degree to understand it all. And of course, it's never in simple language that the average person can comprehend! There is sustainable energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, solar energy, hydropower energy, nuclear energy, and coal energy. I'm sure I've missed a few. One of the controversies that lies within the industry is cleanliness and sustainability. Some argue that the resources used to create energy are polluting, therefore making it unsustainable. Others argue that we fail at being sustainable when we are rely on other countries to meet our own energy needs. I personally have made the choice to keep it simple. I am going to create my own energy sources!

I got to thinking about all of the energy I have lost since being unemployed; poof; right out the window it went! I was becoming a slave to my computer while the rest of the world has been passing me by. Laundry piled up; dishes in the sink; thousands of pictures unorganized; my desk looked like a bomb hit it; my upstairs office area could use a good painting, etc. Then it hit me; I have no energy! So in my effort to jolt myself back to reality, I made a very quick decision to join a local fitness outfit. Not a fancy one either; no bells and whistles, saunas, basketball courts and jacuzzi; just good ol' state of the art equipment to get my butt in gear! I spent no time thinking about it either because I knew that if I did, I would talk myself right out the door. It has been the best decision I've made in a while.  I've also started making subtle changes in how I eat.

You see, we are a family of hunters. It's a passion in this house and I have not participated in the winter hunts for quite some time. My husband, my kids, they all hike and snowshoe for miles up the mountains; and me? Well, I've been slacking. I use to be right there beside them and now make every excuse not to go. Simply because I have no energy. Does that sound familiar? The mission here is creating sustainable energy.

Sustainable energy can be defined as usable energy that can be stored well in to the future without causing harmful repercussions. Our personal energy comes from diet and exercise. Unfortunately, we are all guilty of eating foods that cause harmful repercussions in our later years and many of us are not physically active enough. Therefore, we must create renewable energy; energy that is natural; fueling our bodies with more natural foods that provide us with the necessary nutrients and vitamins we need for energy. So why isn't it that easy? Creating renewable energy takes a great infrastructure to draw appreciable power. Just as turbines need wind, solar energy needs the sun and water energy needs dams, our bodies need the right foods and resources to sustain and there is an initial expense to creating it. Taking the necessary steps to make the transition requires purchasing in a different way. When one first looks at the cost it takes to become healthy and create that energy, they become intimidated and return to their old habits. But in reality, as time goes and one begins to rid their cupboards of foods that flat line their energy, it levels out. Simple switches over time can put you on your way to generating your own renewable energy source and getting rid of the pollution (toxins) you have created  within yourself over many years.  The same great resources needed to generate good, clean sustainable energy for our world are what need to survive.

Use the sun to generate the Vitamin D your body needs by getting out in it!  Challenge yourself to take a walk every day; even if you can't make it very far.  In time you'll find yourself going further and further.  Take in that fresh air your body needs to survive and appreciate every breath.  Drink lots of water and improve the overall appearance of your skin by staying hydrated and maybe even lose a few pounds!  Make subtle changes in your diet by eating more natural and raw foods.  Try buying from your local farmer's market for a start; put it on your schedule to challenge yourself everyday to try something new.  As you become more physically fit, your new found energy will put other things in your life in perspective like getting organized; therefore becoming energy efficient....less time spent looking for things.  Go for a swim!  Use the water to work your muscles by taking a water aerobics class.  Find something that works for you.  Soon, you will have created the renewable energy necessary to sustain for many years to come and be around to be an example for future generations.  Don't rely on others to pull you through life; fulfill your own energy needs.  It must come from you; you have to want it.  Start with yourself in your efforts to understand sustainable energy as it is in our world of technology and the rest will follow. 



  1. Now that was a great post. You are a good writer your self. The way it was portrayed was excellent. Hope you have gotten out with the kids and that old man of yours Ha. Anyways thanks for the advise and God Bless you and yours. See ya at the field trials. Grampa Will
