Do you ever lie in bed at night, especially in the dead of winter, close your eyes and just as you begin to fall into that ever relaxed state, you are jolted by the sound of flies buzzing all around? You turn the light on; take a look around, nothing. With the lights off, your attempt to return to that peaceful state is interrupted once again. Frustrated, you get up and behind the curtain, lurking in the corner of the window, find it, smash it and go back to bed. It's only a matter of minutes before it seems as though a colony has moved into the attic above in retaliation and the buzzing sound becomes overwhelming. Sound familiar? Perhaps not, but flies in the attic can refer to much more in our lives.
There are two types of flies; infesting and invading. The infesting flies complete their life cycle indoors where they can find favorable spots to breed. While invading flies breed and develop outdoors, they tend to drop in occasionally to simply wreak havoc; well, not really. Just as these pesky little critters can drive one crazy in the middle of the night, there are other flies in the attic; those conversations in our minds that we can't seem to tune out in an effort to get a good nights sleep; our job (or the lack of); bills; kids; money; things we have done and the things we have left undone. Over time our minds become infested with so much “stuff” and just when we think we’ve got it all resolved in our heads to turn over and go to sleep, something else pops in our minds and adds to the frustration. We are left staring at the ceiling with our heart rate ready to go through the roof. These, my friend, are flies in the attic and unless you find a remedy, they will continue to breed and some will drop by only to aggravate the buzz and send us in to overdrive.
There’s no doubt that with the recession comes stress. No matter what the income level, many are experiencing additional stress such as cut backs at work, unemployment, and the rising costs of fuel and groceries to name a few. Some of these are daily concerns for many but can be exacerbated when there is a crisis at hand. Suddenly people come down with flu-like symptoms at the worst possible time and just as the outdoor fly dropping by, the stress level rises and productivity decreases.
Locating a remedy to the flies in our attic is as simple as Integrated Pest Management (IPM); identifying what is causing this infestation and creating your own IPM techniques. It puts you in control of the situation faster, unlike the unsuccessful quick fix remedy of smashing the one fly and returning to bed only to deal with another shortly afterward. Just as flies continue to breed and will never go away; our daily stresses will always be there, too. By creating your own IPM, you can create a simple, long term and ongoing three-step plan that will help you accomplish the ultimate goal: managing flies in the attic.
Step One: Sanitation
Step Two: Inspection
Step Three: Exclusion
Don't let fruit rot in your garden! Harvest everything and remove all decaying material on a regular basis. When applied to flies, it sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Good health and cleanliness is important. Eat foods that are good for you and stay with you during the day and eliminate those that are bad. Don’t let life pile up on you. The flies in your attic are clutter that creates stress and chances are if they are invading your mind, they are invading your everyday life and your health as well.
With cleanliness comes great pride, relaxation, new found ways to save money at times and organization; therefore a reduction of stress. This isn't about worrying how others see you; it's about taking care of yourself and reducing your stress to a manageable state. By creating some simple habits, you can manage the flies in the attic
If you can identify what is attracting the flies,half the battle is won! Some surveys show that less than 10% of the population in this country is clutter free. It drains us of energy, time, and money and causes disease. Take a quick assessment of what is causing all this clutter in your life. Is it procrastination, laziness, feelings of being overwhelmed? One example is your wallet or your purse; better yet, your car. Dump it all out and look inside at receipts and see where you have spent money on unnecessary things, look at the amount of energy it took to get things to its current state and how much time and energy it is going to take to get it all back in order. We all lose things; keys, our coat, the other shoe. As a result we spend more time trying to find it than we did placing it where it didn't belong in the first place. Everyone has a "catch all" place in their home; a kitchen counter; a desk; dresser, etc. Take a quick assessment of all that is there and what you put off as a "when I can get around to it". It doesn't take long to become overwhelmed and embarrassed by what you have created and the down hill spiral begins. You know in the back of your mind that you should deal with it and yet go to bed not being able to turn it off.
Weather-strip your mind! Keep a tight screen! Get rid of the "un-necessaries”! While we can't prevent all thoughts from entering our minds in our efforts of a good night's sleep, there are ways to reduce them. Just as having a screen prevent flies from entering, creating that same screen in your mind is helpful. Assess the task at hand and screen the information. Ask yourself if there is anything you can do at that very moment to fix it. If not, determine if it is worth jotting down a note and dealing with in the morning or if it simply needs to be thrown out; rotten information (or fruit) not worth keeping. It is important to keep a tight screen. When a fly senses a temperature difference, it finds its way in and the invasion begins. A screen is a filter. It still allows for smaller and more manageable thoughts, yet keeps the overwhelming from entering.
New flies will come and some will go with time; it’s inevitable. There’s no sure fix to flies in the attic. If we wipe out as much of the rotten fruit in our gardens as we can on a regular basis in one good swat and set the bait outside our door for the pesky invaders that aren’t welcome, we can become successful IPM entrepreneurs!
I am working on getting rid of my "Flies in the Attic"!! Thanks for sharing...very interesting analogy. Breezie
ReplyDeleteHave you ever thought of submitting some of your posts to Womansday or good housekeeping? Marilyn, they are really good!